Friday, March 21, 2014

! ! ! RSVP please:) ! ! !

Sound Healing Flow On A Boat
This spectacular event is almost sold out!
You MUST rsvp as there is very limited space and we only have 4 more spots left.
Hope you can make this amazing event. And if you miss out no worries we will be doing it again soon!
You can rsvp by clicking the link below and writing you will be attending or via email at


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Special Events!!!

So many amazing yoga events coming up! I hope you can join!

Sound Healing Flow on a Boat!

March 24th 630pm  
$18 CASH ONLY(very limited space please rsvp)
Jackies Yoga Seattle will be doing once monthly yogaing on the spectacular Steamship Virginia V - National Historic Landmark Vessel!!!! To kick this yoga party off right we will flow on the water with some Sound Healing with Daniella White! We will be serenaded by the deeply powerful and grounding sounds of giant crystal bowls, gongs and Daniella's incredible voice. Through the application of sound and positive intent, we can bring balance to the mind and body. Frequency can be utilized to shift matter and consciousness, and positive vibration can be healing medicine for the body and spirit. We will move with these powerful vibrations as we take part in a deeply grounding yoga flow with a extended savasana. A truly amazing experience. Limited space so please RSVP.
90ming class

Sound Healling Flow at ShefaYoga
April 5th 2pm
Give yourself the gift of deep relaxation and revitalization. A sound bath is an improvised concert played with the intent of releasing energy that is no longer serving you, and shifting to a more positive and relaxed state of being. Daniella does vocal toning, and plays the crystal bowls and a Paiste planetary gong, bathing you in healing vibrations that will help you achieve deeper states of mediation. It is in these states of relaxation that healing can take place. The healing sounds will assist you in releasing any energies, thoughts, and patterns that are no longer serving you and will help bring revitalizing energy into your body and mind. You will leave feeling "re-tuned", with a sense of restored balance in your mind, body and spirit.

As you are serenaded by Daniella's deeply healing talents to help facilitate the balancing of the chakras, Jackie will lead you through a 60 minute grounding flow followed by a 30 minute savasana. 

FLOAT and FLY-Arm Balance and Inversion workshop

April 26th 2pm $25 @ shefayoga
Learning arm balances and inversions is like learning to float and fly!

With a little faith and a shift in your body weight you will find these new moves a fun addition to elevate and actually add lightness to your practice.

Arm balances and inversions enhance the strength and stability of your shoulders and wrists and improves your focus and concentration. An added side benefit of learning these beautiful balancing postures is a nice boost in self-confidence and self-acceptance too!

We will play around with several arm and hand balances and then learn how to incorporate them in to your practice. Several options to getting into different inversions will also be offered. Discover something new in your inversion practice or start one, finding a option that works best for you. There will be several techniques to make these poses totally accessible for any level. All you will need is a open heart and playful attitude!

Let us let go of fears and preconceptions and learn to play and grow in this safe and fun environment.